Power BI Connector Release Notes
The following sections are Release Notes for releases of the SysTrack Power BI Connector, organized by release date.
The following updates were released on February 5, 2025:
A new version of the Power BI Connector is available. The Connector now supports authentication using the Power BI API key, available on SysTrack's API Key Management page. When you use this version of the Connector and the Power BI API key, you no longer need to reauthenticate daily, because the API key remains valid for up to 180 days. Also, the Connector enables automated dataset refreshes in Power BI so that your Power BI reports will always display the latest SysTrack data seamlessly.
To get the new version of the Power BI Connector, download and install the SysTrack Power BI Connector Kit. You can continue to use an old version of the Connector, but we highly recommend that you switch to this new version for improved functionality and reliability.
The following updates were released on April 12, 2024:
Fixed the issue of a data mismatch for Community Benchmark Health and Impact Time data between the Power BI template and the Executive Insights dashboard.
The following updates were released on March 14, 2024:
In the Executive Insights template, the Health Score color and text appeared as Poor at some times when it should have appeared as Fair. We have released a new version of the template (.pbit file) in which the Health Score formula uses greater precision to ensure that the Health Score color and text display as Fair at the correct value levels. To get the new version of the template that includes these changes, download and install it as explained here.
The following updates were released on November 17, 2023:
The Power BI Connector Kit includes the updated Power BI template (.pbit).
The Power BI Connector Kit includes an updated Readme file, which includes links to documentation and release notes.
The following updates were released on September 26, 2023:
The installation for the Executive Insights template is streamlined, and users no longer need to perform Transform Data steps.
The following updates were released on September 22, 2023
The Executive Insights report is changed from a Power BI report (.pbix) to a Power BI template (.pbit), which makes it easier to install and use.
The following updates were released on August 11, 2023:
A preconfigured report for Executive Insights, representing the Executive Insights dashboard in SysTrack, is added to the connector.
The new Executive Insights report also gives access to three more datasets: Desktop Costs Impact, Server Costs Impact, and Community Health
The following updates were released on June 16, 2023:
Three new datasets are added to the connector: Group Size, Location, Operation System
The following updates were released on March 30, 2023:
The initial release of the Power BI Connector includes six datasets: Application Data, Application Fault Data, Device Health Data, Device Properties Data, User Data, Group Data
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